Walk in Faith, Trust Your Path
We sit still, uncomfortable in our own presence... Something isn’t quite as it should be. There is an unmistakable tug at the heart centre, a yearning, a void. An internal timid voice growing louder becoming impossible to ignore; you know you have to do something, it is time!
Sitting still is no longer an option - this space feels suffocating, your inner voice shouts “Take the leap… Take it NOW!” You cannot see the full staircase just yet; unsure of what the future holds but something reassures you that everything will be fine, in fact, it will certainly be better than sitting still!
So you pick yourself up; the spark begins to blaze and you rise! You rise up from the ashes of unhealthy relationships and lost love, from toxic habits, limiting beliefs and unfulfilling jobs. You take charge to resolve and let go of that which no longer serves you. You are no longer at the mercy of the outside world; your strength comes from within. You have taken the first step!
This internal dialogue is your intuition, a guiding force that directs you towards your destiny. It’s a gift; propelling you forward to your full blossom, protecting you from that which no longer serves your higher self. Your intuition is there for you, whispering to you, pleading with you to trust it, to listen to it. Hoping you will honour it in order to rise and become that which you are destined to be…The beautiful, magnificent, magical and powerful you.
It is there to tap into; all you have to do to is listen attentively and trust it. Trust it! It will not lead you astray.
Your path is yours, only you can walk it. Walk it bravely, graciously… Walk in Faith and Trust your path!
Happy Woman’s Month… Be liberated. Be You!
Tell us, where has your intuition guided you and where have your shoes taken you? Comment below!
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