Put Your Feet Up - Rest in Reason
After incessantly running around chasing goals and checking things off a never ending to-do-list… eventually, we reach the point where resting becomes pivotal; not only to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing but for those nearest and dearest to us too.
Often, we attempt pushing past this phase. We contemplate and compromise, pushing those moments of rest, further down our must-do list. We push it is so far back, unbeknown to us that our cup is slowly running empty….
It is as if we deem needing rest as a feat of the weak or perhaps the unworthy. We have led ourselves to believe that being in a constant state of busy is admirable. But dear darling, what you don’t know is that there is magic in the space between! In those luxurious moments of rest, something so profoundly beautiful takes place; we find our breath again. It might seem so simple but often the most pleasure is derived from simplicity.
Finding our breath, amidst running around in chaos is magical. It allows you to reconnect with yourself and realign with your inner strength to be able to re-emerge more powerful and rise to even greater heights.
So allow yourself to rest, dear darling. Take a moment, sit back. Put your feet up and kick off your shoes (although, in our case, we like to leave them on and admire them in all their glory!)
Slow down, refuel, relish in simple pleasures and indulge in a few of your long forgotten savoury delights. Hand paint this moments with a fine brush daintily make this moment so sweet you embrace it with every fibre of your being. You are worthy and deserving of this moment.
For once you rise again, you will move passionately and powerfully!
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