Our Sustainable Closet: 6 Ways We're Working With The Planet

Hello Lovely Matsidiso Fam!
Sustainable clothing is the way of the future and the way of the past… well it is for us anyways! It’s easy to drop the mention but what does sustainable-style really signify in your wardrobe?
We hope this helps to shed a little light, so you can strike a little smile - the next time you slip into one of our hand-crafted pairs!
Our Sustainable Closet: 6 Ways We're Working With The Planet
Ethical Suppliers – our locally sourced leather makes way from a supplier who we have a deep relationship with. Mossops is one of a few supplier, and also one of the most sustainable tanneries in South Africa (if not THE most). Through their innovative ‘carbon-neutral’ dying process, water recycling efforts and their continuous support of the community - they practice what they preach and those are our kind of people! We vet each supplier on the same principals and have built long-standing bonds with the leaders of each organization. We know and understand their individual efforts to being both fair-traders and sustainable suppliers.
Made to Last – our products are hand-crafted and made to last by local artisans. Leather ages better than any other material, which means you are more likely to purchase less - creating a more sustainable wardrobe! We also offer free shoe repairs such as sole repairs or a fresh new polish to any of our customers which is a sustainable practice in itself – ‘cause we’ve been doing it from day one baby! Simply send your old pair in and we'll give them a spit shine... well, more than that. ;)
Moral Materials – our aim is to use materials that have the smallest possible impact on the environment. We make use of vegetable tanned leathers, recycled resins when we can source them, and local woods for our shoe heels. The woods we use would otherwise be considered invasive species in South Africa forests- thus keeping our forests healthy while using these woods for something beautiful which you can wear for years to come. All of which have been carefully researched and their particular carbon-footprint considered.
Hand-Crafted Goods - we produce small-scale product runs which are brought to life by the practiced hands of local artisans. Our team of experienced cobblers are paid fair wages which are above industry standards. We ensure ethical work practices, provide upskilling opportunities, and will continue to target pension funding for our team.
Eco-Efforts- Our packaging is composed of organic and bio-degradable fibres. Material snippets are put to good innovative-use and come out to play in a few of our styles - one being our Nia Slider – which our creative side adores!
We upcycle, repurpose, and collaborate with eco-innovators wherever we can! Our newest alignment being with Mielie-Mailer – who you just have to check out for yourself! New plastic free courier packaging coming soooon... (yesss!)
Love you Long Time – We believe in longevity! Not just within our product, but in our relationships too! Suppliers, customers, and cobblers alike - we embrace the opportunity to connect. Human to human!
Sustainability for us is not just a term we walk over. It’s one we walk with! We sure do understand the many layers to this complex principal and we whole-heartedly imprint that into everything we do!
How do you practice sustainability, within your home or at work? Or in your purchases? Pop us an email, DM or web-message - we’d love to hear your sustainable thoughts.
Sending love, light and good vibes,
-Samantha & The Matsidsio Team
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